Success in any endeavor does not happen by accident. Rather, it is the result of deliberate decisions, concious effort and immense persistence- all directed at specific goals. ~Gary Ryan Blair

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Exercising myself... and my right to vote :)

Well, election day is FINALLY here! That means, the numerous political flyers, phone calls, commercials, etc... will come to an end. What will life be like?! I'm so ready. So excited. So hopeful that Obama will be OUT, but if he is reelected, I'll continue to put my faith in God and HIS plan. No matter what, it will be okay. This week starts my 'official' start to marathon training again! I felt that it was really on my heart to run the Fargo Marathon in May, so- after some encouragement from a friend and fellow marathoner (she has ran 14, I think!)- I registered! And, not only do I want to do Fargo, I also want to run the Montana Marathon in September. It will be great having someone to train with! In addition to running the marathons, I am raising money for St. Jude and the American Cancer Society during my training. I'm very excited about this!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Season's change... people change....

It's been almost a year since I've updated this thing?!?! Holy smokes! I've thought a lot about "blogging" lately, just as a way to get things off my chest. I'm determined to do it more often and, now that I've actually logged on with my laptop-rather than the computer in Ainslee's room, I might do it more often! Oh, life. It is a daily blessing. I've learned a lot over the past year. A lot about God. A lot about family, friends, and how those two change when God is moved to the center of my life- rather than the outskirts. What's the deal with that? What scares so many people about having a relationship with God? I remember clearly when a good friend told me about 10 years ago that God had become a big part of her life. My first thought, seriously, was, "Oh, great. She's not going to be ANY fun now." Of course, my views have since changed. She is actually so fun to be around. Now, though, I wonder if people are thinking that about me. Are they thinking that I am constantly judging them while I sit at home and read my bible, while watching Highway to Heaven? :) That one just gave me a chuckle. The truth is, NO! I'm much more interested in helping people build a relationship with God then I am in judging their actions. Don't get me wrong, nobody is perfect and there are times when I catch myself judging. It's ok, though. I'm working on that, daily. I guess what I am trying to get at is this... being a Christian doesn't mean a person is no fun, or constantly judging others, or thinking of themselves as being perfect. It means that they are willing to admit that they are NOT perfect and they need help- a savior. Jesus Christ is my Savior and I have no problem saying that. There is my update. I'll try to do it more frequently :)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

What a year!!

Wow! What a year it has been! I just realized I haven't updated my 'blog' ALL summer!! Must've been because I was so busy with family, kiddos, and RUNNING!! So, I took 3rd place in the Isabody Challenge- which was absolutely fantastic! Hubby and I went to California, where I had a professional photo shoot done- by Isagenix. Then, in September, I ran my first marathon! After running it, I said I would never do it again- but I'm ready to find another to train for :) This year has been amazing. I've realized my true potential is more than I ever dreamed it was. I'm still working to lose the last 15lbs, but I know I'll get there! ...the year's not over yet ;)

Friday, May 20, 2011

Feelin' Good!

Well, I'm obviously NOT one of those people who can religiously sit down every day or two and 'blog'. I think it might be the kids... or life in general, I guess :)

Things are going fantastic! Actually, the exercise is fantastic and the weight loss is kind of at a stand still but about to be going downward again! I have about 3 1/2weeks until I take my final 'maintenance' picture for the Isabody Challenge. I am so extremely proud of myself at this point in my life. I'm getting healthy, exercising regularly, and eating well (for the most part :)). I guess I didn't realize how much I DIDN'T do until I started this whole challenge. I almost NEVER exercised! Now, I feel like crap if there are even 2 days in between my workouts. I've finally started giving myself some attention and it feels great! It took a while for me to realize that it is alright to leave the kids so that I can go workout. I am always feeling guilty about putting myself first and it pisses me off!! It has taken me a lot of self talk to stop that insanity!! And, I still do it occasionally! I'm not sure where the hell that came from, but it is changing. I'm realizing that the kids are fine at their grandparents house while I go to the gym and that daddy is perfectly capable of handling the kids on his own :) I also firmly believe that my children are going to learn from my actions. If they see me eating healthy and exercising, that is going to teach them to do the same. I actually think that it might be helping the hubby, too. Don't tell him that, though! Hopefully I am right, because it would be really nice to have him as a running partner.

Better get on with my day. The girls are at Grandma and Papa's house and hubby is working... time to focus on me ;)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

One and a half months later....

So, in the past month and a half, I have only lost a couple of pounds... BUT, my exercise has skyrocketed!!! I think I can officially call myself a 'runner' now! :) I have started training for the Governor's Cup Marathon in September and I am doing awesome! I absolutely LOVE running and how I feel when I do it. Yesterday was my long run for the week, and my longest one ever- in my entire life! 5 miles!! I completed it in 1:01:50, which averages out to 11:40/mile. That is amazing, considering the fact that not even 3 months ago, I could hardly run for 1 minute straight. I have found a new love... and several muscles that I never knew existed :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Who's that Hot Mama??? It's me, It's me! :)

Well, after a ton of hard work and weekly cleansing (that I only skipped ONCE!), today was my final day of my 24 week challenge! My final weight was 169, which means I have lost a total of 47 pounds!! That's almost my two kids combined! I'll put all the before and after stats below. So, although my 24 weeks is over, the Challenge continues until June- when I will take my maintenance shots. My goal is to get to 140 by that time. That is only 29 more pounds, pretty do-able if I say!

What an amazing accomplishment. I find myself going back at times and telling myself "If only I would have exercised more or eaten EVEN healthier...." But then I have to kick myself in the butt! 47 pounds is FANTASTIC! I feel like a whole new person!

Now, it is time to start training. I have my first 5K next month. Then a 5 mile and a 10K. After those, and any other races I can find, it's on to the Governor's Cup Marathon on September 18th! Whoo Hoo! Watch out world! :)

Before Weight: 216lbs After Weight: 169lbs
Before BMI: 35.9 After BMI: 28.1
Before Body Fat: 43.68% After Body Fat: 39.69%
Before Fat Weight: 94.4lbs After Fat Weight: 67.1lbs
Before Lean Weight: 121.6lba After Lean Weight: 101.9lbs

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Where has the time gone?!?!?

Ok, now I know why I am not a big 'blogger'- I get sidetracked very easily and before I know it, it's been a month and a half since my last update!! Whoops :)

So, my weight loss is now at 44lbs!! I've been stuck here for 2 weeks and I'm ready for Wednesday's weigh in. Although the weight hasn't dropped, the last 2 weeks have been wonderful! I have a huge secret that I have to share- I have been a closet smoker :( What started as an occasional thing quickly turned into a huge habit! Two weeks ago, I went on a trip to Chicago and decided that that would be my time to quit smoking AND... it worked! I've been smoke free since Chicago and it feels FANTASTIC!

Last Sunday, I went to the gym and told myself that I was going to finish off my workout by running a mile. I haven't *ran* a mile since high school and even then, I think I walked most of the way. While running, I kept telling myself something I heard in Chicago about accomplishing your goals... "Have Fun, Focus, and Follow Through." Eleven minutes later, I had ran a mile! Of course, I had to kick it up a notch during my next workout- so I did 3 miles in 36 minutes!

The last 23 weeks have been challenging but so very rewarding. I feel like I have found myself again. My confidence is coming back, along with my love of dancing. I used to always be able to tell when I was gaining weight, because I wouldn't dance :) Along with finding 'myself', I have acquired a love for exercise. It is amazing how a little sweat can make a person feel so good! What a wonderful stress reliever! It isn't often that I choose exercise over shopping- but I actually did last night, on a Saturday even! Although my 24 weeks for the Isabody Challenge ends in a little over a week, I still have maintenance to do! I will be taking my after pictures on Feb 1st, and then I will take more pictures in June. So, the challenge is actually far from being over! And I am sooo ready to keep going!